
There are many solutions that could slow down the process of the permanent damage such as reducing tour carbon output from cars or factories. Our pollution from our cars are regulated but it only slightly reduces the problem. We have 7 billion people on this earth and almost everyone one of them have their own vehicle which they use everyday. In more populated countries such as China where they have 20% of the entire worlds population, they have 1.3 billion people who mostly have old out of date cars. Most of which won’t meet modern carbon emission regulations. The Carbon emissions from China and other such countries with high populations and little to no regulations is one of the biggest problems our world sees. I don’t think that there is the possibility to enforce regulations in the countries but we could help push them towards making more of an attempt to regulate what they put into the air and environment. We in America have some regulations on our Environment and on big industries with what they put out into the air and environment. We do have some but we are still very lenient with big business and corporations since most politicians are in debt to them are are personally friends with them. Unfortunately politics is part of our environment and trying to save it. It’s often brought up in political debates and discussions but when it comes down to it they never truly do much about it and often forget about it or sweep it under the rug as most politicians do with their promises.