Monthly Archives: April 2016

Blog Post #1

Over that past few weeks have been watching what I eat and trying to reduce my red meat consumption. Over the weeks I have reduced my Red meat consumption by a considerable amount, I feel as if I am making a difference with what I’m doing. For breakfast I replaced beef sausage with ham bits, which will save about 2 packs of sausage a month. For lunch I they to how less of the meat which is given for lunch, for example instead of having 2 hamburger patties I only had one with more green beans and quinoa. For my post lunch snack before practice I had an omelet and toast, which is replacing a hamburger or sub sandwich. A steak dinner was replaced with a baked chicken and corn or beans, A beef hamburger was replaced with a turkey burger. This is reducing my red meat consumption by almost half.

Eggs, cheese, and turkey have a high carbon emission but it is still less than beef. Beef has a carbon emission of 27.0 kilos equivalent. Turkey has 10.9 kilos, chicken has 6.9 kilos, and eggs have 4.8 kilos. With cutting my beef consumption in almost half I have saved almost 814.5 kilos of carbon each month just in meat alone. I plan to continue this through the upcoming weeks.