My Pledge

I pledge to limit my consumption of red meat which has a high emission of carbon and methane from the raising of cattle. I eat red meat or any other type of meat with about 3 of the 4 meals I have per day. Cattle and other related livestock are responsible for about 18% of greenhouse emissions into our atmosphere. If everyone could reduce their intake of red meat then the world pollution would rapidly decrease and could possible push us back on track to a healthier world. I hope to reduce this to about 2 meals a day, lunch and dinner. I plan on accomplishing this by instead of having a burger I would maybe have a salad or a meat with less carbon emissions such as free range chicken or wild caught fish.  I also plan on keeping a journal of what I eat, this journal would include everything I eat for that meal. This journal will be kept under the “My Pledge” tab on the wordpress website. This journal would include what I eat for that meal and where it came from (what store and if possible what country or other information). This would take place over the 4th quarter on a bi-daily basis.

“The Role of Livestock in Climate Change.” Food and Agriculture organization of the United States. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2016. <;.